We are proud to announce #CNN to become the 22nd supported crypto currency in our Hyper Pay digital wallet!!! Our wallet now supports 22 crypto currencies!!!
Our wallet has supported 22 crypto currencies:BTC, ETH, QTUM, HSR , HPY, INK, HLC, EPC, QACH, EOS, CNYT, BeeChat, UCOT, BCC, UBTC, NEO, DBC, LCH, EKT, ENT, ArcBlock, CNN.
HyperPay Team
Notice Regarding Delayed Shipment of HyperMate and HyperCard During Spring Festival
Dear HyperPay Users:
HyperPay January Check-in Frenzy! Win Massive Rewards!
Dear HyperPay Users:
Notice Regarding the Additional $0.5 USD Charge for USD Virtual (Subscription) Card Transactions
Dear Valued HyperPay User: