Up to now, HyperPay holds a total of 645988.81551255 QTUM, with a value of 9555648.3 Yuan, ranking 28th on the QTUM Rich List. The current address is: Qge6x2Q2QrfSF6B9aia9ZJzJnwxaw3nfVC.
HyperPay has become the main wallet supporter of the quantum chain ecosystem. The current QTUM assets in wallet are worth 120 million Yuan according to the expected increase of bull market.
Notice Regarding Additional 0.25 USD Deduction for Global Consumption Card Transactions
Notice Regarding Deactivation of Supreme Gold Cards Due to Inactivity
Notice regarding the completion of World Consumer Card maintenance
Dear HyperPay Users:
The World Consumer Card maintenance has been completed, and it is now available for normal use.